Payment options include:
BPoint is the preferred method of payment. It is an efficient and hassle-free way of paying your school fees.
By using BPoint you can make payments from the comfort of your home or office at any time, day or night. You can also track your payment history and receive email receipts for each transaction, making it easier to keep track of your expenses.
BPoint offers a secure and reliable payment system, ensuring that your personal and financial information is protected. It also helps reduce administrative costs for the school, which ultimately benefits the entire school community.
Please refer to the easy to follow instructions below. If you still require assistance, please contact the Administration Office on 3421 6222.

Bank Transfers via EFT
Account Name:
| Holland Park State School
| 064-112
Account Number:
| 00090133
Please use student's initial, family name and activity as the reference. If you are paying for more than 1 student, please include the year level, student's initial and family name (e.g. J&B Smith, Exc/Inc St Science).
The administration office has an EFTPOS Machine available during school hours.
If you have a credit on your account, please ask the office to utilise it (a credit shows as a negative number e.g. $-23.00).
As we have many activities currently on the go it is easy to forget what is paid and what is not.
If you are unsure, please feel free to call the office or email