Holland Park State School
Welcome to Holland Park State School. Our learning community, is a partnership between staff, students and parents that builds on a tradition of striving for excellence and service to the community that stretches back to 1929.
Our key purpose is to provide students with a safe and rewarding learning environment in which they develop their curiosity, come to understand our past and embrace a future fashioned by increasing global and digital connectedness. Each year as students further develop their HPSS Learning Superpowers (Communicator, Collaborator, Thinker, Self-manager, Researcher) they build on their ability to be curious, to inquire and to become more independent in driving their own learning.
This website aims to provide wide and useful insights into the academic, cultural and sporting pursuits of our vibrant community. By visiting, I hope you will gain access to information that is useful to you in relation to the life of this school. I hope too, that you will gain a sense of the partnership that guides our policies and programs.