The Parents and Citizens’ Association is all about helping you and your family get the most out of your experience at Holland Park State School. Research shows that children perform better at school when their parents and caregivers are involved in their education.
We have a wonderful school community full of people with lots of great skills and talents. The P&C is about sharing these talents to help our school and our kids. Everyone can bring something to the P&C and we would love to see you involved in any way you can.
Click on the below link to find out more about the role of the P & C.
Please contact us for details on how to stay informed, become a member to help shape decisions and if you can make it along – come to a meeting, no strings attached.
Join today! -
Application for P&C Membership - 2025.docx.pdf
Download the P&C - Information for New Families 2024 for more information.